

1. Upper Board of Occupational Health and Safety, Istanbul Technical University

The OHS upper Board is composed of academic and administrative personnel who write their names and contact information below in our university, which is established under the responsibility of the OHS upper board president in order to coordinate, evaluate, contribute, take decisions on the necessary measures, and transfer them to the unitary boards.

2. Advisory Board of Occupational Health And Safety Unit Coordination, Istanbul Technical University

It is the board where the exceptional demands from the university units, which have no clear provision in the legislation, and the necessary issues are discussed. The members of the board consist of academic and administrative personnel who write their names and contact information below.

3. Unitary Boards

OHS unitary boards are responsible for protecting the health and safety of employees in all business related matters under the responsibility of OHS unit employer representative. To protect the health and safety of the employee, it takes all necessary measures including prevention of occupational risks, training and providing information, makes the organization, and provides tools and equipment.

The unit boards consist of an employer representative, Occupational Safety Expert, workplace physician, Employee Representative, support staff and a person tasked with carrying out human resources, personnel, social affairs or administrative and financial affairs. Instead of the parent employer's attorney, the unit employer's attorney is the authority of the unit Board.