About US
The rectorate of Istanbul Technical University aims to comply with the universal principles of law in working life and the norms of Occupational Health And Safety protected by the international conventions and constitutional regulations of which Turkey is a party, based on the right to life and the protection of the body integrity of the employee and the right to work, which are indispensable and, It aims to contribute to the work accidents and occupational diseases in Turkey as an exemplary university and workplace that employs employees. In this context, it aims to prioritize Occupational Health And Safety in all administrative and academic decisions by establishing occupational health and safety culture and occupational health and safety management system over its 242-year cultural and historical background. The main elements of ITU Rectorate's Occupational Health And Safety policy are as follows:
- Occupational Health And Safety will be accepted by taking priority and basic target in all hierarchical structuring and administrative decisions.
- Occupational Health And Safety is based on the participation of all stakeholders, including students.
- Sustainability, continuity and unavailability are essential in Occupational Health And Safety.
- In Occupational Health And Safety, measures and measures will be given priority for a healthy and safe working environment and Prevention is adopted as the main understanding.